Organizational Development Organizational Development

Companies are in a state of constant change – both internally and externally. To thrive and position themselves for the future, they must consistently adapt to evolving conditions. Keeping pace with the rapid changes in the workplace is a challenge for many organizations.

The new working world, often referred to as “new work“, embodies values such as independence, freedom, and co-creation. It aims to foster personal development and creativity, making significant contributions to the job market.

As a seasoned organizational development consultant, I guide rapidly expanding, multicultural enterprises in structuring and executing method-driven, customized transformations. My expertise lies in fostering and cultivating desired cultures, empowering leadership potential, and addressing stress and heavy workloads. Establishing a solid foundation for authentic communication is of utmost importance to me.

I work with you and your team, offering multilingual support, through various formats including consulting, training & workshops, individual coaching, and team coaching.

Practical experience is crucial for personal development. Therefore, I structure my workshops and coaching sessions, whether conducted online or in person, with a brief theoretical introduction followed by ample practical exercises.

Selecting the appropriate methods depends on the specific challenges and goals of your organization.

As needed, I employ various methods such as:

  • 4 quadrants according to Ken Wilber
  • Presencing according to Theory U
  • Strategy development through co-creation
  • Systemic constructivist consulting approach
  • Internal team according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun
  • Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg

Throughout the process, we prioritize an agile mindset, sustainability, and achieving success.

With me, you are booking a coach, consultant and trainer with over 20 years of professional experience as an operations manager and human resources developer in companies of various sizes, industries, and countries.

The INQA program provides financing for professional guidance of up to €11,520 for SMEs to assess the need for change in the context of digital transformation and to prepare for the future. I am a certified INQA coach and can assist you with this program in German and English.

Let’s discuss your requirements and transform your work environment together.

About me
What my customers say

Career Coaching

The highest form of human intelligence is the ability to observe without judging.

Jiddu Krishanmurti

As a systemic coach, I offer professional and sensitive support to help you navigate through personal or professional challenges, crises, conflicts, and decision-making processes. I can also act as a sparring partner, for instance, in preparation for personnel or job interviews.

In my work, you, your beliefs, and your expectations are always at the forefront. Together, we will identify your personal needs and goals and find sustainable ways to integrate them into your life. Our approach will always be grounded in concrete examples. Through our collaboration, we will unlock your individual potential, fostering both personal and professional growth.

Systemic coaching has proven its worth in the following areas, among others:

  • You want to grow in your private or professional relationships
  • You want to develop strategies against physical overload and actively set boundaries
  • You want to work through a conflict
  • A decision is imminent and you want to prepare for it
  • You are considering becoming self-employed and are looking for support in developing and realizing your vision
  • You want to actively shape your career and don’t yet know where your journey will take you
  • You are a team lead and would like to work on specific topics or develop yourself further (employee motivation, communication, conflict resolution, etc.)
  • You are a gallery owner, curator, or artist and would like to further expand your business

I work methodically with approaches from psychology. The aim is to use these in a future-orientated way to develop the next steps and new perspectives.

  • Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) according to Albert Ellis
  • Systemic constructivist counselling approach
  • Client-centred approach according to Carl Rogers
  • Hypnotherapeutic approach according to Milton H. Erickson
  • The Enneagram: communication model
  • Inner team according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun
  • Non-violent communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg

I work in five languages: German, English, French, Spanish, and Dutch. My coaching is location-independent, and I offer digital sessions, no matter where you are.

Let’s discuss your needs and define your goals together. 



& Trainings

I design my workshops, whether conducted in-person or remotely, with a strong foundation in systemic and agile methodologies complemented by practical exercises.

My approach incorporates reflection exercises for deeper understanding and insight, collegial exchange and counseling, role plays, collaborative brainstorming, systemic questioning, and movement activities.

Participants practice and reflect on learned tools in pairs and groups, while short, enjoyable games provide relaxation and foster self-reflection.

Each workshop and training session is tailored to meet the unique needs of your team and organization.

Here are some examples of workshop topics:

  • Leadership in times of new work
  • Team Development
  • Leading myself and Time Management
  • Balancing Work and Family Life
  • Career and Vocation
  • Communication and Conflict Management
  • Successful negotiation in the art world

For gallery owners, curators, and artists, I offer specialized training on self-presentation, managing an art gallery, career management for curators and artists, and project management through Node Curatorial Studies or in individual coaching sessions.

Let’s discuss your needs.


I am passionate about accompanying individuals through career changes, helping them make important professional decisions, and working with them to define and sustainably integrate their goals into their lives.

The impact of digitalization on our collaboration, along with diverse and flexible organizational forms and an increasingly fast-paced environment, is shaping our current working lives. As a certified systemic coach for individuals and companies with a focus on “new work”, I collaborate with my clients to find ways and opportunities to successfully navigate these new challenges.

I have 25 years of experience in Human Resource and Operations Management in international and fast-growing companies.

Born in Austria, my professional journey has taken me to Brussels, Barcelona, and finally to Berlin.

Empathic listening and solution-oriented, joined-up thinking form the basis of my successful work. My goal is to inspire my clients and support them in organizing their private and professional lives in a fulfilling and successful way. To remain an ideal companion for my clients, I continuously engage in further training, learn from every coaching session, and reflect on my work in supervision groups.

My values

  • Inner growth
  • Relationships
  • Adventure
  • Joy

Inner growth

I am constantly expanding my knowledge and reflecting on my work within supervision groups.

Personal growth is an integral part of my daily life.


Overcoming challenges with strong relationships is key to success.

My network acts as a source of mutual inspiration, fueling me towards my aspirations.


Embracing change is my lifelong adventure, where I take the lead.

I navigate them successfully by accepting certain aspects, identifying my scope of action, and approaching them with a solution-oriented, future-focused, and responsible mindset.


Work should bring joy.

By recognizing and fulfilling my needs, I discover joy every day.
I share this wisdom in my work with individuals.


Doris is a very empathetic and focused Coach, clarifying the coaching goal before each session. She creates a safe space every time so that I completely trust in the process. She supports me in reflecting on my topics from different angles without leading me in any direction. Her coaching sessions are fun, full of humor, challenging, supporting, and at the same time very clarifying. I can only recommend working with Doris!

B. Poytinger
(Head of Components and Vehicles, IAV)

I reached out to Doris to help coach our Directors/Leads in improving communication within teams, providing them guidance on what it means to be a team lead and how to build trust and delegate more responsibility amongst their teams. I also had the pleasure of receiving guidance on HR-related topics like how to improve company morale, how to resolve conflict, how to build processes, and how to structure my day-to-day for a more efficient and effective way of working. Doris is a very friendly and warm person. The process was structured and method-driven. Whether you need guidance and coaching on something specific such as improving yourself as a leader or you need guidance in your next career/life move, I highly recommend Doris as a coach!

C. Schulze
(HR Business Partner and Regional OM, Priceless)

This summer I had the opportunity to start systemic coaching with Doris. I have one regret… why didn’t I do this before? I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions in my life. Despite good diplomas, vast work experience, and many other assets, I felt stuck, not knowing which direction to take. Doris helped me remove blockages and deal with past trauma. Working in the creative field, I thought our sessions would benefit me professionally, but I’m realising how they are positively influencing all aspects of my life. I had initially planned to work with her for a few weeks, but have decided to continue longer!

L. Toivio
(General Manager & Curator at Hosek Contemporary Gallery)

Work With Me

  1. Free initial
  2. Analysis
  3. Implementation
    & reflection
  4. Retrospective
    & conclusion

I empower self-help.


During the initial consultation, we collaborate to establish clear objectives, pinpointing the core issue at hand. Using this insight, I craft a tailored quote.

In the analysis phase, we dissect facts from interpretations, visualize supportive and inhibiting beliefs, and uncover your role in the situation, paving the way for potential solutions. Together, we explore alternative perspectives and devise actionable steps for integration into your daily routine. Each coaching session concludes with a summary of insights to ensure sustainability.

We conclude the process with strategies for the long-term application of what you have learned.

You choose whether to meet in person or go virtual with video calls for all appointments.

Organizational development

During our initial consultation, we define clear objectives and pinpoint the core issue. Based on this discussion, I tailor an offer.

Starting with a thorough analysis of the organization and its environment, I work with you to identify patterns, relationships, and dynamics. By involving all relevant stakeholders, we collaboratively develop visions, goals, and strategies. Implementation occurs gradually, with ongoing reflections and adjustment being crucial.


Accompanying individuals through changes, helping them make important professional and personal decisions, defining goals together, and integrating them sustainably into their lives – that is my passion

Let’s change your working world together.

Doris Friedl
Oderberger Straße 21, 10435 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 162 4902212