General, scope

Doris Friedl is a consultant in the areas of change management, human resources management, and systemic coach. Ms. Friedl is booked for consulting assignments and carries out coaching, workshops, and other events following these General Terms and Conditions (GTC). By placing the order, these conditions are deemed to have been accepted by the client (hereinafter referred to as the client). Differing terms and conditions of the client do not apply.

Offers, fees, payment terms

The offers are subject to change. Subject to change.
The fees published on the website and/or stated in the event advertisement will be charged for all offers.
The client receives an invoice. Registrations for events will be processed in the order in which they are received. The fees for consulting, coaching, workshops, and other events are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. The client receives a registration confirmation and an invoice to transfer the amount on time.

Bookings, appointments, and registration

Bookings and coaching sessions usually take place at a location specified by Doris Friedl. The time of booking or coaching is mutually agreed upon between Doris Friedl and the client. This can be done via email or verbally. Agreed coaching appointments are binding and the client must arrive on time for all agreed appointments.
A booking as a consultant or registration for events is only made in writing, by email, an agreement submitted by the client, via the contact form or via the respective booking form.

Cancellation of a coaching appointment or event by the client

Cancellation or rescheduling of a coaching session is possible up to 2 working days before the appointment at the latest and is free of charge until then. Afterward, 50% of the fee for the agreed time will be invoiced. If an appointment is canceled or rescheduled on the day of the coaching or if you do not show up, the full fee will be due as a cancellation fee.

Cancellation of a coaching appointment or event by Doris Friedl

If Doris Friedl has to cancel or postpone a coaching appointment for urgent reasons, the client will be notified as quickly as possible to offer an alternative date. There are no further claims, in particular claims for damages. If the required number of participants in an event is not reached or an event has to be canceled for other reasons, the client will be informed as early as possible, or at least 24 hours in advance, and will receive a refund of the participant fee already paid. The client has no further claims beyond this.


Offers, tenders, concepts, images, and other documents are protected by copyright.
All documents handed over to or made accessible to the client are intended exclusively for personal use. The client is not permitted to reproduce the documents or parts thereof and/or make them accessible to third parties. Publication – even in extracts – is prohibited and may result in criminal prosecution.


Doris Friedl undertakes to carry out all agreed services carefully to the best of her knowledge and belief. There is no guarantee of success when providing the service as a consultant or in coaching or at events. Liability is excluded.
By making an appointment or registering for events, the client confirms that they are acting independently. The client acknowledges that he is fully responsible for his physical and mental health and is responsible for any damage caused.


Doris Friedl undertakes to maintain secrecy about all of the client’s professional, operational, and private matters that become known in the course of the activity, even after the contract has ended.

Amendments to the GTCs

Doris Friedl reserves the right to amend these GTCs at any time and without prior notice.

Final provision

In the event of disputes arising from contracts concluded under the validity of these GTCs, either the German courts or the courts of the customer’s place of residence shall have jurisdiction. German courts shall have jurisdiction over actions brought by Doris Friedl.

Should individual provisions of these GTCs be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.